The Story Behind
Posh City Pets
We are a family-run business with a personal interest in providing natural wellness products for companion animals. As practicing herbalists with over 20 years experience in the pet care industry, we strive to continue growing our craft and sharing our knowledge with you.

Our Inspiration
Posh City Pets was born out of the obvious need to find the safest and most natural solutions to caring for our family’s pets.
In 2009, at just two years old, we lost our dear papillon, Minnie. Within a day of receiving her first ever chemical flea and tick treatment, we arrived home to find Minnie seizing on the floor with our corgi, Simon, licking her in what seemed like an effort to help. We rushed to vet, then an emergency vet, then a neurologist and, before the weekend was over, Minnie was gone.
In 2016, our seven-year-old papillon, Daisy, was found to have a small growth in her abdomen. She was eating well, active, and otherwise healthy, so the prognosis was good. Our veterinarian, though, required that any dog admitted be vaccinated against canine influenza. Upon waking up the morning following the injection, Daisy could not even stand. We were at the vet within 20 minutes and within hours, she was on life support. We said goodbye that afternoon.
We’ve always tried to do what was best for our companion animals and, as the years pass, we continue to learn and refine our routines. These days, we look first to natural maintenance and treatments in the hopes that we never again have to experience what we did with Minnie and Daisy.
We created Posh City Pets to share the creations we love and trust with every pet household we can reach. Our natural and holistic approach to the care of our pets is the least we can do to pay them back for the joy they bring to our lives.
Our Mission
As our little company grows, we carry on with the understanding that companion animal care is a community effort. We strive to learn from others and to share our own learning. We strive to build relationships with other like-minded companies so that we can work together to raise standards in the pet care industry. And, finally, we strive to build a collection of resources to help you, the pet owner, provide your companions with the natural and holistic care they need and deserve.